Lesson 03 乐器
  lesson 03 乐器
  musical instruments
  01 the little girl is reluctant to play the piano any more.
  词组释义 be reluctant to 不愿意,不情愿
  02 i learned to play the piano when i was five.
  i began to learn the piano at the age of five. / i have been learning to play the piano since the age of five.
  03 it's boring to learn how to play the guitar.
  语法提要 在乐器前面必须要加定冠词the,guitar是乐器,所以在前面加上the。
  04 can you teach me how to play the drum?
  can you...属于委婉语气的疑问句,经常用于询问某人的意见或请求某人帮助等场合。
  05 her daughter is playing the cello on the stage.
  单词释义 cello [?t?el??] n. 大提琴
  06 what's your favorite musical instrument?
  单词释义 instrument [??nstr?m?nt] n. 乐器,工具,手段
  07 what do you think of their playing skills?
  类似表达 how do you like their playing skills?
  08 playing the piano can raise people's temperament.
  单词释义 temperament [?tempr?m?nt] n. 气质,性格,性情
  09 she has a terrific standard of musicianship.
  类似表达 she has an excellent execution. / her musicianship is excellent.
  10 he plays the saxophone to perfection.
  to 在句中作介词,与名词perfection连用组成一个固定搭配,意思是“完美的,完全的”。
  11 the violinist's execution was perfect, but his emotion was so lacking.
  单词释义 execution [?eks?'kju:?n] n. 演奏,实行,执行,依法处置
  12 it's a constant struggle to try to keep them up to the first level of playing.
  keep up 的意思是“保持,跟上,持续不变”,当后面跟介词with时,意思是“紧跟,不落后于”。当后面跟的是介词to 时,则有以前落后现在抓紧赶上并与之保持一致的意思。
  13 his primitive guitar playing is well below the level of playing on the stage.
  be well below 是固定短语,表示“远低于,远不够”,可以用far below / much less than /be lower than 等结构替换。
  14 she is first violin of the national orchestra.
  单词释义 orchestra [??:k?str?] n. 乐队,管弦乐队
  15 although the pianist got a fever, her performance was up to scratch.
  词组释义 be up to scratch 达到标准,处于良好状态
  16 playing the clarinet makes my life more colorful.
  语法提要 colorful 为多音节形容词,其比较级是在前面加more,最高级是加most。
  17 he can play the tuba, but not very well.
  单词释义 tuba [?tju:b?] n. 大号
  18 the father marked time with his foot, when his son played the cornet.
  词组释义 mark time with foot 用脚打拍子
  19 i took lessons on the pipe organ for nearly 12 years.
  take lessons on sth 表示“学习……,上……课”,可以用have... lessons / take... lessons等结构替换。