Lesson 02 在教室
  lesson 02 在教室
  in the classroom
  01 let's get ready for our class.
  词组释义 get ready for sth 为某事作准备
  02 can you tell me how to spell this word?
  类似表达 how do you spell this word?
  03 no more talking, please.
  no 可以用来表示禁止,通常首字母大写放在句首,后面常跟名词或动名词形式。
  04 can you tell me how to answer this question?
  类似表达 could you give me the answer to this question?
  05 who wants to answer the equation on the blackboard?
  单词释义 blackboard ['bl?kb?:d] n. 黑板
  06 any volunteer?
  单词释义 volunteer [?v?l?n?t??(r)] n. 志愿者 adj. 自愿的,志愿的 vt. vi. 自愿去做某事
  07 are you clear?
  类似表达 do you understand? / do you catch my idea?
  08 can you work out this problem?
  类似表达 can you solve this problem?
  09 i will give you a clue.
  类似表达 i will give you a hint.
  10 put up your hand if you have any questions.
  类似表达 please raise your hand if you have any questions.
  11 who wants to come to the front?
  单词释义 front [fr?nt] n. 前面,前部,正面,前线 adj. 前面的,正面的
  12 you did a very good job.
  类似表达 good job. / well done. / excellent. / good work.
  13 i didn't get it.
  词组释义 get it 懂得,明白,理解
  14 excuse me, mr. green. i'm confused about this question.
  词组释义 be confused about 对……感到困惑
  15 i beg your pardon?
  类似表达 could you please say it again? / could you please repeat it?
  16 is there anyone has a different idea?
  类似表达 who has a different opinion? / who holds a different view?
  17 that's all for today.
  类似表达 let's call it a day. / we stop here for today. / so much for today.
  18 would anyone here like to add anything?
  is anyone here who is willing to make an addition? / is there anyone who wants to do some supplement?
  19 can you please explain it again?
  类似表达 can you explain it once again please?